Music Piracy in Indonesia

Music Piracy is the act of copying, plagiarizing, plowing a work via CD, DVD, and digital copyright and resulted in a loss of Indonesian musicians. Music industry has spent a lot of fund for the production of a musical. Only with the internet and smart phones, the people wherever he is can download songs without spending a single penny. Surely, they have committed copyright infringement in Act No. 28 of 2014 concerning copyright.
Based on data from the Recording Industry Association of Indonesia (ASIRI) music piracy 95.7 percent in Indonesia since 2007 while legal music is only about 4.3 percent. Then, based on the record of the Union of Artists Singer Composer and Musician of the Republic of Indonesia (PAPPRI) in 2013 losses due to piracy of recorded music reached Rp 4 trillion per year.
The same thing happens in the film industry, based on the calculation of Film Producers Association of Indonesia (APROFI) piracy committed against one movie can be a loss of about Rp 4.3 billion, resulting in an estimated loss if plowing around 100 films reach Rp 437,5 billion.
One solution to prevent music piracy is digitize music from CD and DVD physical media into digital form. This step has been done by Apple (itunes) and google (google play) that provides a means legally purchase digital music.
Creativity of young people fall and those who have the talent. Piracy can make people lazy for his talents because nobody appreciates his work. The government does not get revenue from the sales tax a copyright work, the lack of tax revenue would inhibit the country's economic growth. Do you still want to download free music on the internet, while the development of music in Indonesia to be slow because of you?
Creativity of young people fall and those who have the talent. Piracy can make people lazy for his talents because nobody appreciates his work. The government does not get revenue from the sales tax a copyright work, the lack of tax revenue would inhibit the country's economic growth. Do you still want to download free music on the internet, while the development of music in Indonesia to be slow because of you?
Picture credits: (Instagram)
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