Javan Deer Extinction

The Javan Deer (also known as Timor Deer or Cervus timorensis) is a native of Indonesia estimated come from Java and Bali, occurring in a range of habitats including dry, sun-dappled forest and open savanna or grassland. Now, the deer to be the ide ntity fauna province of Nusa Tenggara Barat ( NTB). Indonesian Government Regulation No. 7 In 1999 about Conservation of Flora and Fauna , on January 27, 1999 include all types and genus C ervus is protected p lants and animals. " Javan deer population has declined due to environmental pressures such as illegal hunting and environmental degradation causing descend carrying capacity of the existence of these animals " ( Darmawan, 2006). Many organizations , institutions and even a country denounce the extinction of a species . The purpose of conservation is maintain balancing of the ecosystem and conserving biological diversity for science and human knowledge . L...