Covid-19 Self-Isolation Center

Since it was first confirmed by the government on March 2, 2020 confirmed cases of the corona virus have continued to rise and there has been no sign of a down trend until this post was made. Many buildings have been converted into isolation centers, because many Indonesian residences are not suitable for self-isolation at home. Buildings such as hajj dormitories, government buildings, schools, stadiums, athletes' homestays, hotels and others. The Indonesian government has taken various ways to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, providing isolation places, restrictions on the movement of people between regions, cities or regions, temporary closures, restrictions on working hours in public places, carrying out work from home policies, tracing and periodic swabs, provision of drugs, oxygen, emergency hospitals and vaccination policies. Indonesia is a country with an area almost the same as Mexico but Indonesia is an archipelago country with a population of 271,349,889 people (2021). Of...